Wednesday, August 29, 2007

I made it!!!

Well I'm getting settled in to my digs here - my first week has been pretty mellow. I have seen a bunch of movies at the AMC here in Pacific Place - "Rattatouie", "The Invasion", "The Bourne Ultimatum", and "Disturbia". I'm waiting to see "The Simpsons Movie" with Justin. But all of the others were really good. I haven't seen a good scary/suspense movie in a long time and "The Invasion" and "Disturbia" were good, even though they were both modern day remakes ("Invasion of the Body Snatchers" & "Rear Window") which tend to be bad most of the time. The cool thing about movies here is that all the seats are assigned. So when you go to buy your ticket - either at the window or online - you pick your specific seat and then you don't have to worry about getting there early. It seems strange at first but its actually really cool - you can show up like 1 minute before the show starts and your seat is just waiting for you. And the seats are all really nice leather that are SUPER comfortable. They're doing a big promotion right now for a new Ang Lee film called "Lust, Caution" which will be in Chinese and his first since "Brokeback Mountain" - it looks really cool - set in 1930's Shanghai and coming out towards the end of September.

Other than that I've been going to the gym just about everyday (6 of the 8 days I've been here) and its really not that big of a problem getting motivated, I've just kinda made it part of my morning routine. I discovered the pool here yesterday and that is really awesome. Instead of the gym this morning I went and swam laps so really only Sunday is the only day I didn't get some form of exercise in. Hopefully "the new Jan Brady" will be coming soon!!! :)

Justin and I may try and go to Ocean Park on Saturday or Sunday if the weather isn't rainy. If not we'll maybe go to the Hong Kong Museum of Art which was the one museum we didn't make it to while I was here in March that Justin wanted to see.

We've been mixing in home meals with going out - and one of the cool things about Hong Kong is that every restaurant has business cards that they put in the bill (which helps so that I can remember where I went). I bought Justin this book on cool HK restaurants so we checked out two the other night. One is called Cinecitta which is a lot like Foreign Cinema in San Francisco. Its Italian and they were showing a Rudolf Valentino movie on the wall. We then went down to 1/5 Nuevo which had a cool bar that we had drinks after. I had a "Suzie Wong" which was pulverized watermelon and vodka. YUM!

Saturday went to another italian place called Cru Wine & Grill in SoHo that we wandered into before heading down to Lan Kwai Fong and having drinks at what may be our favorite bar, Lost. Justin's raved about the DJ and I finally saw him that night. Very good, though no dancefloor - unless you count the little space in front of the decks that is also the entry way. Justin confessed he's danced there once. Then we went dancing at Propoganda which is the main gay club here and then home late. So Sunday was relaxing/recovering day.

All in all I'm SLOOOOWLY adjusting to the heat/humidity (frankly I feel ridiculous when I walk outside and I'm the only person completely sweating through my clothes - when people in business suits don't even have the slightest shine to their faces). Justin says I need to stay outside longer but its a bit much. I guess I can hang by the pool some more!!!

I miss everyone at home and can't wait to have visitors - we may be moving to our permanent home sooner than we think - the relocation company said it will only take 2 weeks for our boat shipment to arrive - which doesn't sound right so I asked her to confirm. But we may have a problem finding a place - Justin's co-worker said its kind of a nightmare process negotiating lease terms - yeah, can't wait!!! I think it better have a pool :)